Ministry of the Environment


The Opening Discussion: How to negotiate peace between man and nature


How to negotiate peace between man and nature
Introductory discussion with the Minister of the Environment

Interpersonal warfare has a brutal effect on nature itself, which plays a third party, but with no less loss. According to some, even in times of peace we are at war with nature itself. How can we combine care for the environment with the needs of society so that we can have a diplomatic alliance instead of sometimes open hostility? Let us look for ways to end wars both with each other and with nature, on whose prosperity we ultimately depend for our existence.

Ladislav Miko

Petr Hladík
Jan Mrkvička
Prokop Pithart
Zuzana Harmáčková

The discussion will be only in Czech.


  • 1. 10. 2024 16:00 - Faculty of Social Studies Masaryk University (atrium), Jostova 218/10, 602 00 Brno Add to my schedule | Book