Ministry of the Environment

Film projections

Pepe Dives

Every day Pepe Lange goes swimming in the Kiel Fjord. When the temperatures allow it, he snorkels. He examines the water world and takes out garbage. The short film follows him on his special patrol, where viewers get to see a mysterious world that is normally hidden from most of us.


directorSven Bohde language: German
originGermany subtitles: Czech, English
year: 2024 competing category: In Short
duration: 13 min  

Pepe Dives is screened in the block of short films with Magnifica: Passive Intruder, Nittaituq and Driving Reactions. Please reserve your seat by film Magnifica: Passive Intruder.


  • 4. 10. 2024 18:00 - Sál společenského centra ÚMČ Brno-střed, Dominikánská 2, Brno Add to my schedule