Ministry of the Environment

Film projections

Guardians of the Shell

Against all odds, one of the smallest and most densely inhabited islands in the Caribbean is home to one of the world’s most successful sea turtle rehabilitation projects. This film follows award winning Barbados-born conservation biologist Carla Daniel and the volunteers of the Barbados Sea Turtle Project as they respond to all sorts of turtle emergencies across the island.


directorMaarten van Rouveroy language: English
origin: Netherlands subtitles: Czech
year: 2024 competing category: In Short
duration: 19 min  

Guardians of the Shell is screened in the block of short films with Wetlands - Life Blood, In the Name of Ice – Marcela and The Last Cheetahs of Solitaire. Please reserve your seat by film Wetlands - Life Blood.


  • 5. 10. 2024 11:00 - Cinema City Velký Špalíček, Mečová 695, 602 00 Brno Add to my schedule